Execution involves the processes, procedures, and methodologies our staff employs to get their jobs done efficiently and effectively. At a high level, these fall into two categories with opposing goals:
Process: The goal of process is consistent, repeatable, efficient execution
Projects: The goal of projects is change. If an organization never had to change, they would never have to run a project
Below are the programs, seminars, and consulting services KSP provides to help you align your processes and projects to your strategy and culture.
Execution Programs
Project Rescue
Got a project in trouble? We’ll quickly evaluate the situation, stop the hemorrhaging, and get your project back on track… FAST! But we don't stop there. We'll also make sure you don't have to experience this problem again. We'll help you create a culture and processes that communicate and resolve issues quickly, improve collaboration, and keep your projects on track.
KSP Performance Review Program
Strategy, culture, and execution align to create high-performance organizations. Our KSP Performance Review Program is designed to evaluate your organization's ability to produce. In the program, we evaluate your processes, procedures, and methodologies to analyze how they interact with your culture and strategy.
KSP Project Methodology Program
A number of innovative project methodologies have emerged over the past few decades. Methodologies help your teams perform constistently and faster. We'll help you create a solid suite of methodologies based on your strategy and culture.
KSP Continuous Process Improvement Program
This program is designed to help you instill a continuous improvement culture to help you keep ahead of your competition. We'll help you build your process network, break down the silos so functional departments work together, and create a culture that continues to grow as your organization grows.
Seminars and Training
KSP's process and project management seminar catalogue is extensive and comprehensive. Based on over 100 years of collective experience, our training programs build confidence in students and produce lasting results. Below is only a sample of our seminar list. A full list can be found at [project/process seminar page]
- Successful Project Management
- The Successful Project Culture
- The Executive's Seminar on Project Management
- The Pro-1 Series
- Program and Portfolio Management
- Business Process Improvement
Looking for an outside perspective on your processes and procedures? Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll get in, get the job done, and get out. We'll leave you with a thorough evaluation and set of recommendations to help you grow your organization's productivity.