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Leveraging Soft Skills for Career Advancement: A Comprehensive Guide

While hard skills are vital, soft skills are what diffe

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Learning from CEOs’ Viral Misconduct

Leadership "fumbles" are popping up left and right... w

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Organizational Culture That Supports Learning Curves

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Have you seen the LinkedIn post that everyone is talkin

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Soft Skills That Are Actually Hard Currency

There are four specific aspects of leadership that make

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The Teacher Named ‘Failure’

I’ve always thought that any failure is a waste unles

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What Do We Do With PowerPoint Now?

KSP Partnership is proud to participate in the Black Di

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How You Lead is How You Behave

Sometime I get to witness a really interesting range of

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Relationship Management – Compare and Contrast

Busily 'clipping' articles I found interesting, an arti

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An article on supporting employees coping with grief wa

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Lessons in Social Media… What 7 weeks of double pneumonia taught me

After a short trip to Guam, my occasional walking pneum

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But it doesn’t really matter to YOU – is what I oft

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Video Access Fatigue

Month 2 of video chats, video conferences, video lesson

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What Does Your Customer Need?

Have you ever accidentally gotten in your own way? Ever

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Introverts – Evolution’s Saviors

As a extrovert – someone who gets a lot of energy

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Is It Boring or Is It Room for Reflection?

What can I do?! Interestingly enough folks have begun p

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Robust & Rich Through Diversity

What the blazes will it take before people are confiden

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Time is More Important Than Money

  I have a love/hate relationship with time manage

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Convictions – those things you believe in, that a

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Courage of Your Convictions

My answer was, and is,  “Courage of your convictions

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8000 Risks – Really?

In his great book “The Body” Bill Bryson explores a

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Are Your 2020 Resolutions Mean to You?

Theme: Compassion IDEO published an article called “C

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Culture by Choice

They say that everybody needs a hobby.  A colleague cl

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Human Kevlar

Think of an ideal team environment. Got something? I su

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Project Managing the Holidays…

It’s upon us. The beginning of the holiday season. A

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Change…One Step at a Time

You know you can improve your professional self. Of cou

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Should PowerPoint be Killed… or Should We Address the MIS-use of the Tool?

Disclaimer: these suggestions will not work in organiza

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Civil Discourse and Communication

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Civil Discourse and Communication The harshness of our

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Meetings – Work Culture Death?

There is another term for death in work culture. That w

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Owning the Learning Curve

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It’s one of the most satisfying and potentially frust

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The Wizard Behind the Curtain

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The Wizard Behind the Curtain Your Image and Its Effect

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All the World is a Stage – with apologies to Shakespeare!

All the World is a Stage – with apologies to Shak

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Connections – That Count

Connections – That Count Recently I watched a TV

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Yikes! Did I miss an announcement?!

Yikes!  Did I Miss an Announcement?! Ok – the third

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What Does Your Alphabet Soup Spell?

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What Does Your Alphabet Soup Spell? Acronyms and abbrev

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The Horrible Truth(s) About Feedback

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As leaders – whether team leaders, project leaders or

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The Issue of Inclusion

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  The Issue of Inclusion Recently a former boss of min

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Tim Ryan Leads by Example

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This is a chance to share stories about the amazing lea

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Lead by Example – Humor

Recently a client of mine came to me with a problem I

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Renewed, Refreshed and Ready!

Renewed, Refreshed and Ready! One of the most difficult

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If Time’s Up – What Now?

For many people, and I am one of them, the #timesup cam

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Back to Basics

Back to Basics – farther than you might think!For som

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Come to the Orlando Premier CIO Forum on Dec. 13 and

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Quick note: A tip for increasing Clear Definition

I hope you enjoy my first foray into podcasting –

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The “Save” Icon

The other day, after speaking on a panel for Chick-Tech

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Papyrus, White Boards, Glibness, and Cerebral Knowledge

Glibness (n): fluent but insincere or shallow.I once co

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Do You Have an Emergency Contingency Plan?

I came across a fascinating, if frightening, story on L

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Back to Basics

When you work with organizations to help accelerate the

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How Much Time Does Your Team Actually Spend Working?

How much time does your team actually work during the d

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3 Top Ways You Can Tell if Your Team is Working Well

Lively – sometimes even contentious! – discussions

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Project Management vs Managing Projects – The Issue of Training

A few months ago, I read an article on LinkedIn entitle

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Uber, Corporate Culture, & Productivity

You Can have your Cake and Eat it Too!The problems at U

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Emotional Intelligence key to team effectiveness

Working with clients in project management, I take a lo

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Key Skills for Product/Project Management

This is a culture of specialists. I get that. Companies

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