How You Can Benefit from KSP

Power Skill Bundle

Effective Leadership in Project Management requires skills that go beyond the technical expectations of the role. Guiding one or multiple teams simultaneously to successfully complete a project is a multi-faceted job rooted in interpersonal and communication skills. These are the skills that top-executives and managers in influential positions master: Strategic Communications, Stakeholders & Hidden Objections, Effective Presentations, and Tactful Negotiations.

Click here to learn more!

Leadership Driven Project Management©

Managing both your time and the renewal of your certification can be a job in itself. The Leadership Driven Project Management Initiative has fun, engaging, and informative videos and podcasts available that will help you get PDU's.

We'd love to make this easier (and more fun!) for you! Explore our Leadership Driven Project Management Initiative.

Training, Coaching, and Consulting Services

Training - customized online or onsite classes through the KSP team culture framework. Training is based on your needs and agreed upon metrics to measure successful progress.

Coaching - ongoing progress can be tough. Tough but worth it. Use our coaching service to accelerate your teams' evolution.

Consulting - project needs rescue? Project has been rescued but we don't want it to happen again? Want us to take you from start to finish?

Let us help - we'd love to support your ongoing future and success.

Sometimes you want to bring the value and message of Leadership Driven Project Management© to a larger audience - we can do that! Straightforward, engaging, and practical, Kimi is able to work with audiences from practitioners to presidents. As examples, these are her most popular speeches:

More Than A Silver Bullet

Bring your team's performance up to higher levels – creating lasting change. In this speech Kimi delivers the introduction to a powerful framework for discovering how the interactions between cultural concepts can drive productivity.

Leading Your Teams in Better Decision Making

Your teams intend to make great decisions – how can you help them make solid decisions when everyone is operating under the tyranny of the urgent? Kimi clarifies some of the most common barriers to critical thinking and better decision making.

Conflict Resolutions & Negotiations – Kissin’ Cousins

Leading teams well includes constantly honing your skills, negotiations and, often, conflict resolution. Join Kimi as she guides an exploration of how approaching these two intertwined competencies as one skill set can raise the level of your execution.

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