Welcome to the KSP Partnership Online Academy
Welcome, folks!
Comments and suggestions directly from the project management community had a direct impact on how this online academy came to be. Each month a series of videos and other media will be released to subscribers.
Each series will include 4 short videos on a single topic. Each video will address a specific problem and offer suggestions that you can take action on immediately.
The first series sets the context – how the team culture and environment can affect the team’s level of performance and productivity.
Leadership-centric project management is based on the effective use of 7 Key Success Parameters – and you’ve already likely started strengthening your team’s competence in these areas. The videos offer some specific tools that address each of the 7 Key Success Parameters.
Series 1: Context of cultural changes and how implementing these steps can reduce waste in terms of time, talent, finance and opportunities.
Series 2: Clear Definition is addressed in straightforward and practical terms with simple, fast steps you can take to improve the level of clarity in your teams’ communications.
Series 3: Ownership – one of the most powerful and specific Key Success Parameters, Ownership’s ability to increase the productive dynamics of your team rests on specific definitions.
Interdependencies, Customer Driven Deliverables, Rigorous Quality, Risk Management and Collaborative Spirit will each have a session dedicated to it. Following that will be sessions looking at how they interact with each other, how you can use leadership-centric project management with Agile – and we’ve got more topics coming!
Your subscription's anniversary will be marked with the delivery of a transcript tracking your education so that you can more easily claim credits.
If you want the value of more effective and practical education on project leadership click on the Subscribe NOW button to register and get started –
Thanks for joining us!