

Culture is the most critical element of your organization. Beautiful strategic plans are frequently thwarted by cultures that routinely ignore them. Policies, procedures, and best practices are only as useful as they are employed. KSP looks at culture not from a social perspective, but rather a performance perspective. Our Key Success Parameters are designed to align your culture with your strategy and execution. 

Below are the specific programs, seminars, and consulting services we offer to help you create a high-performance organization. 

Culture Programs

KSP Cultural MRI Program

In this program, we conduct our proprietary survey with both executive management and key employees to establish the characteristics of the existing culture. We then provide recommendations to grow the culture to deliver higher-quality products faster.

KSP Culture Improvement Program

KSP’s Culture Improvement Program reviews your current culture, your strategy, and practices and creates a program designed to develop a high-productivity culture to take your organization to the next level. We will:

  • Establish your goals
  • Review current behaviors, strategy, and processes
  • Design a cultural improvement program
  • Pilot and fine-tune the program
  • Rollout the program
KSP M&A Program

Most mergers and acquisitions fail because of misaligned cultures and policies. Let your lawyers handle the legal issues, let your accountants handle the finance, our job is to align the policies, processes, procedures, and most importantly, the cultures of your merger or acquisition.

KSP Start-Up Program

This program is designed for small to medium-sized organizations looking to go to the next level. Typical target: venture capitalists. 

Culture Seminars & Training

Your organizational culture determines if your teams will follow policies and procedures, or routinely circumvent them; whether they'll align projects with your strategic plan or go off in their own direction. KSP's cultural improvement seminars and training are based on the works of the greats, dating back to Maslow and McGregor, through Flamholtz and Randle, and includes our unique discoveries that align culture with productivity. 

Seminars include:

  • The Key Success Parameters to High-Performance Cultures
  • Introduction to Organizational Performance Cultures
  • Integrating Culture and Process

Culture Consulting

Is your culture high performance? Our proprietary evaluation program will enlighten you, give you a clear understanding of your organization's culture, and identify areas for growth. 

Contact us today to conduct a confidential cultural MRI of your organization. 

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