Blog Posts

Project Management vs Managing Projects – The Issue of Training
Learning & Training Organizational Culture Project Management

Project Management vs Managing Projects – The Issue of Training

A few months ago, I read an article on LinkedIn entitled, The PMP – How it Ruined Project Management which...
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Uber, Corporate Culture, & Productivity
Leadership Organizational Culture

Uber, Corporate Culture, & Productivity

Uber, Corporate Culture, & Productivity You Can have your Cake and Eat it Too!The problems at Uber have been all...
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Emotional Intelligence key to team effectiveness
Project Management

Emotional Intelligence key to team effectiveness

Emotional Intelligence key to team effectiveness Working with clients in project management, I take a lot of notes based on...
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Key Skills for Product/Project Management
Product Management Project Management

Key Skills for Product/Project Management

Key Skills for Product/Project Management This is a culture of specialists. I get that. Companies have problems that need special...
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