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Leadership Organizational Culture

Yikes! Did I miss an announcement?!

Yikes!  Did I Miss an Announcement?! Ok – the third or fourth time I get this kind of message, I...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

What Does Your Alphabet Soup Spell?

What Does Your Alphabet Soup Spell? Acronyms and abbreviations are everywhere in our lives. But what is their impact on...
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Leadership Learning & Training Organizational Culture Project Management

3 Classes Every Project Manager Should Take
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Leadership Organizational Culture

How You Lead is How You Behave

Flying is simply part of how I "commute" to work.  Sometimes, just like on highway 88 in Illinois or 101...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

The Horrible Truth(s) About Feedback

As leaders – whether team leaders, project leaders or community leaders  - feedback is an integral  part of your responsibility...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

The Issue of Inclusion

  The Issue of Inclusion Recently a former boss of mine, Lora Stenard – amazing coach, by the way, shared...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

Tim Ryan Leads by Example

This is a chance to share stories about the amazing leaders who have taught you by example. How did someone...
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Leadership Organizational Culture Project Management

Lead by Example – Humor

Recently a client of mine came to me with a problem I hadn’t heard about in a long time. He had...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

Renewed, Refreshed and Ready!

Renewed, Refreshed and Ready! One of the most difficult practices of leadership in organizations is delegation. In order to delegate,...
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Leadership Organizational Culture

If Time’s Up – What Now?

If Time's Up - What Now? For many people, and I am one of them, the #timesup campaign has been...
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Organizational Culture Project Management

Back to Basics

Back to Basics Back to Basics – farther than you might think!For some time now I’ve been suggesting that we...
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Learning & Training Organizational Culture Project Management


JOIN ME! Come to the Orlando Premier CIO Forum on Dec. 13 and hear me speak on “Defining Teams and Cultures That...
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Project Management

Quick note: A tip for increasing Clear Definition

I hope you enjoy my first foray into podcasting - and if you have any other suggestions of how you've...
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Project Management

The “Save” Icon

The "Save" Icon The other day, after speaking on a panel for Chick-Tech, I realized that I was, by at...
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Project Management

Papyrus, White Boards, Glibness, and Cerebral Knowledge

Glibness (n): fluent but insincere or shallow.I once consulted to a high-tech engineering company outside of Pittsburgh. The engineers had...
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Organizational Culture Project Management

Do You Have an Emergency Contingency Plan?

I came across a fascinating, if frightening, story on LinkedIn that looked at the dangers of airlines running software on...
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Organizational Culture Project Management

Back to Basics

When you work with organizations to help accelerate the productivity and profitability of their project teams there are questions that...
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How Much Time Does Your Team Actually Spend Working?
Project Management

How Much Time Does Your Team Actually Spend Working?

How much time does your team actually work during the day?In live seminars, I run a quick survey of team...
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Organizational Culture Product Management Project Management

Managing Task Interdependencies – Building a Culture of Performance

Managing Task InterdependenciesThe ChallengeManaging task interdependencies is one of the most challenging aspects of project management. A recent study indicated...
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3 Top Ways You Can Tell if Your Team is Working Well
Leadership Organizational Culture Project Management

3 Top Ways You Can Tell if Your Team is Working Well

3 Top Ways You Can Tell if Your Team is Working Well Lively – sometimes even contentious! – discussions about...
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