Yikes! Did I miss an announcement?!

Yikes! Did I miss an announcement?!

Yikes!  Did I Miss an Announcement?!

Ok – the third or fourth time I get this kind of message, I stop thinking it’s a prank and by the end of the week I was truly puzzled.

What on earth were people asking me about?

Then it hit me.  Recently a post from one of the valued members of the KSP team, Vicki White, was published. It made a great point about how easily our habits of communication can actually shut people out – and I loved it!


Opening with “My husband owns” but – and here’s the kicker – without attribution (richly deserved) to highlight Ms. Vicki. Her name wasn’t to be found. Understandably, folks thought I had a new husband.  Those who know that I’ve been widowed for a time were sending messages – ‘Anything you’d like to tell me, hmmm?’

So – having the experience of painful irony – let me point out that sometimes our own enthusiasm for a message can actually create more confusion. It can also obscure the heart of what we are trying to get across.

Once more with feeling! Are your communications habits creating a bit more confusion than clarity?  Have a great weekend!



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